What is yoga for hormonal balance?
Yoga for Hormonal Balance is based on the Hormone Yoga Therapy sequence as designed by Dr Dinah Rodrigues. The Hormone Yoga Therapy sequence helps us to balance our hormones using exercises that focus specifically on stimulating the thyroid, ovaries, testes and pituitary gland. The sequence also includes breathing exercises and anti-stress techniques which, when practised regularly, can lead to healthier hormone production within the body.
Kat has taken the principles of Hormone Yoga Therapy and developed her own Yoga for Hormonal Balance programmes. Stress has a huge impact on our hormonal production and balance so Kat’s programmes focus on reducing your stress levels to help the healthy production of your hormones. Hormone Yoga Therapy is a blend of Kundalini yoga, Tibetan Buddhist practices and Hatha yoga. Kat’s approach also sees her bring in elements of Yin Yoga to help nourish and calm the nervous system.
what results can I expect?
Kat works with women over 30 who are feeling overworked and overwhelmed and who are looking for more clarity, direction and courage. She helps them balance their hormones and nervous system and because of that they feel happier, more fulfilled and are able to make better choices. When our body and mind are rested, we have clarity to make decisions and the courage to see them through. The power of a balanced hormone system and calmed nervous system are completely underestimated in today’s busy world. If you work with Kat, she aims for you to see these results;
a boost in your energy levels
a reduction of the symptoms you’re experiencing such as irritability, disturbed sleep, fatigue and headaches/migraines
an increase in clarity of mind
a return of direction and focus
an increase in your productivity
an increase in your motivation
a boost in your confidence
a reduction of stress
a boost in your immune system
a happier life
guilt-free self care!
“For me this therapy helped me to stop and just appreciate the moment with my body, to listen to what my body is saying and to accept and give love. Thank you Kat.” - Radhika
“Energy and stillness is how I'd describe the blend of Yin Yoga and Hormone Yoga – Kat has skilfully woven the two practices together. I’m feeling an improvement in the highs and lows of my hormones and being able to track and understand when to rest and be kind to myself. After our sessions, I feel much more centred and calm, along with listening to what my body needs, which is a new concept for me. The more practice I do, the better I feel.” - Michelle
Programme options
12 week one-on-one programme for women experiencing acute or prolonged symptoms such as migraines, brain fog, fatigue, painful periods, lack of periods, irregular periods.
These symptoms are causing pain and disturbance in your day to day life or causing specific issues and/or health concerns.
You feel overwhelmed and overworked. You are working long hours.
You don’t feel worthy of rest and so keep yourself constantly busy.
A 12 week programme within a community of women for women who are looking to build a regular wellbeing routine to help you manage feelings of fatigue, confusion or lack of direction.
You are seeking clarity and want to make better choices for a happier and more fulfilled life.
You feel stuck and unsatisfied.
You are overworked.
You are seeking to deal with your stress levels or symptoms caused by stress.
A rolling monthly membership for women who are interested in finding out more about hormonal health.
You may be experiencing mild symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, lack of motivation.
You may be suffering with prolonged stress/stress symptoms and falling ill often.
You may feel off balance but you don’t know why you feel this way.
How can i work with kat?
Kat works closely with people to help them accomplish their wellbeing goals. You can find out more about the programmes we offer here. We offer three types of programmes, allowing you to choose the one that most suits your needs.
If you’re wanting to find out more about these programmes, you can book a free consultation call with Kat. In this call, we will discuss your current situation and find out if one of our programmes is the right fit for you. I’M CURRENTLY FULLY BOOKED. YOU CAN EMAIL ME AT HELLO@KALINDIYOGA.CO.UK TO BE PLACED ON A WAITING LIST WHEN A SLOT BECOMES AVAILABLE.
We have a FAQ document to answer the most common questions people have. Of course, if your question hasn’t been answered, get in touch with us by emailing hello@kalindiyoga.co.uk.
“I was surprised how quickly hormone yoga therapy had an impact. While still in the course, my cycle fell back into its 'proper place' and there it has remained! I've carried on with weekly classes and find these really relaxing.” - Léonie
“The benefits have been rather wonderful for me. I can confirm after 6 weeks of Hormone yoga Therapy that I now Have much less painful period pains. My PMS has pretty much disappeared. My flow has returned to normal and I sleep through the night rather than waking up early.” - Laura